Senseware monitors air quality at Realcomm IBCon 2021
"Do you know what you're breathing?" is the question attendees of the conference Realcomm IBCon were welcomed with as they scanned a QR code to check the air quality inside of the building. Realcomm IBCon is a prominent commercial real estate and technology event that brings together leading innovators in the space including Carr Properties, JLL, Boston Properties, Oxford Properties, and many others.
Senseware IAQ units were placed all over the conference hall including the registration area, expo hall, coffee bar, info desk, restrooms, and more. Our units were measuring temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, VOCs, and particulate matter (PM0.3-1.0, PM2.5, and PM10). All that data was sent in real-time to our IoT platform which analyzes it and spits out a few key metrics about the air in the overall space that gets shared via QR code to a public dashboard. Attendees scanned the QR code over 200+ times throughout the conference. It sparked conversations and gave the public assurance that their health is a priority. Next week we'll be sharing the air quality results of the two day long conference.
CEO Serene Almomen's Key Takeaways from Realcomm IBCon 2021
Takeaway 1: Data Analytics
Data analytics are top of mind for the commercial real estate industry. The C-Suite wants analytics on all aspects of the built environment including building usage, occupancy, employee productivity, and air quality. The main questions we're hearing are: What type of data do I need? How do I get it in the most cost-effective way? Once I'm collecting data, how can I use it to make better business decisions? That's why having data analytics is crucial to getting a holistic understanding of your space.
Takeaway 2: Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
Indoor air quality monitoring is here to stay. We've been doing IAQ monitoring for over 7 years. Once COVID hit, the need for IAQ monitoring went through the roof. It wasn't clear if the demand would subside as COVID cases went down. Instead, employees are now demanding IAQ monitoring be included in their return to the office plan. Parents are urging schools to add air quality monitoring into every classroom. The public is taking an active interest in air health in a way that's never happened before. I believe we are on the cusp of history as it relates to how we view our indoor spaces. Air quality is a crucial piece to our long-term health and wellbeing.
Takeaway 3: Tiered Approach
There is fear around what technologies should be used, concerns around liability, and how to approach implementation. A tiered approach is the only way to achieve success. It can feel like a huge feat to implement new technology, but when you clearly understand each stage in the process it takes the worry out. For example, when it comes to adding IAQ monitoring to your building, the first step is internal. It consists of adding units to the space, giving a few key members access to the data, and seeing what you learn. Once you have a clear understanding of the air quality and feel good about it, then you can share it with your team. Eventually culminating into sharing it with other stakeholders like customers via a Lobby View dashboard.
A Deeper Dive Into Realcomm IBCon 2021
COVID Tech Lab by Carr Properties
Senseware was featured in the COVID Tech Lab put on by Carr Properties. The lab showcased technologies Carr uses in their buildings to create a better return to work experience for their customers.
Deployment of the latest technology created a safer indoor environment and enabled lively conversations around advancing indoor air quality.
"As a longtime supporter of technology and innovation in the built environment, the producers of Realcomm believe that events, just like many other business activities that are done indoors, present the perfect opportunity to use and demonstrate cutting-edge technology to combat COVID-19 as well as improve indoor air quality (IAQ) for facilities.
“We will go beyond talking about IAQ and COVID-19 at the conference and bring together in one location a combination of innovative new ideas and proven solutions to make our indoor spaces safer. In addition, these technologies fit perfectly into the larger conversation of smart, connected buildings," said Jim Young, co-founder and CEO of Realcomm."
- Realcomm Press Release
Active IAQ Event Monitoring

To provide a safer in-person event experience, Senseware installed ten indoor air quality packages throughout the conference each measuring temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, VOC, and particulate matter (PM0.3-1.0, PM2.5, and PM10) levels.
By scanning a QR code, attendees could see a real-time dashboard that displayed air quality metrics.
Stay tuned! Next week we'll share the results from monitoring air quality at the conference and what it means for the future of in-person events.
Looking to implement air quality monitoring in your space?
Schedule a quick chat with our team and learn how we are helping companies take the guesswork out of implementing IAQ monitoring.