The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).

How To Keep Indoor Air Clean | Wildfire Season Edition

Wildfires release dangerous pollutants into the atmosphere. Without the proper protection and foresight, these pollutants can ruin indoor air quality...


Is There Formaldehyde in Your Office? 5 Detectable Signs

Formaldehyde is a colorless gas from fuel combustion, organic matter, and chemicals. Through inhalation or direct skin contact, formaldehyde can...

air quality test

How To Do an Indoor Air Quality Test For Mold

Mold is a common indoor air pollutant that can cause severe health damage. Conduct an inspection and acquire an indoor mold test kit to check for and...

5 Energy Conservation Solutions You Should Consider

Energy conservation is a mindset achieved by tools and solutions that reduce electric and water consumption. Know what these tools are and how they...

Navigating Sensor Data Analytics | Expert Guide

A Guide To Sensor Data Analytics Data, data, data….it’s everywhere! Humans and our machines are now generating more amounts of real-time data than...

What Is Smart Building Technology? | Expert Insights

Smart building technology consists of smart sensors and software programs that collect data and synthesize it into actionable insights. Ultimately,...

7 Health Effects Of Poor Air Quality

Air quality is a growing concern globally. Studies show direct links between air pollutants to lower life expectancy and respiratory and heart...

The Ins and Outs of Water Quality Monitoring

Globally, one in nine people use water from unsafe sources. Even if you’re in a developed country, you may still experience water quality issues....

Exploring the WHO Air Quality Guidelines

Air pollution is an increasing global health concern. To help businesses and governments monitor pollution, WHO developed strict guidelines to...

Best Water Sustainability Solutions in 2023

The world is facing a severe crisis in ensuring enough drinkable water. However, many technological solutions on the horizon, such as leakage...

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