The Blog

News and information worth reading from Attune (formerly Senseware).

Benefits of Continuous IAQ During Flush Out Process

Benefits of Using Continuous IAQ Monitoring in the Flush Out Process

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) in recent times is one factor that has the attention of both tenants and owners of commercial buildings. Increased...

Role of IAQ in Construction Projects

The Role of IAQ in Construction Projects

As mentioned in previous articles, IAQ refers to the Indoor Air Quality within a commercial building and its immediate surroundings. The importance...

Examining the Causes of Poor IAQ

Exploring Poor Indoor Air Quality Causes: VOCs, CO2, PMs, and HCHO

What is CMMS and How to Maximize Benefits with IoT

What is CMMS and How Can You Maximize its Benefits w/ Real-Time Data?

What is a CMMS? According to Wikipedia, a CMMS is defined as: "Computerized maintenance management system (CMMS), also known as computerized...

How the convergencec of IoT and IAQ has influenced energy efficiency projects

IoT and IAQ Convergence: Shaping Energy Efficiency Practices

Energy costs in commercial buildings is reaching record highs due to a host of factors not limited to increased competition, boom in technology...

Who Should Care About IAQ and Why

Who Should Care About IAQ and Why

Since we spend most of our time indoors compared to outdoors, the air we breathe whether at home, offices, schools or hospitals can increase the risk...

Why You Should Focus on Proactive IAQ Tests Versus Reactive IAQ Tests

Why You Should Focus on Proactive IAQ Tests Versus Reactive IAQ Tests

Indoor air quality (IAQ) is a term, which refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the...

Blueprint of Creating a Healthy Building that Supports Your IAQ Goals

Blueprint for a Healthy Building: Achieving Your IAQ Goals

Why is a healthy building important? A healthy building is one that ensures that the indoor environment and air quality are maintained to create a...

How to communicate your health and wellness plan

How to Share Your Health & Wellness Initiatives with Occupants

According a study conducted by US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), there is a huge risk associated with indoor air quality(IAQ) and our...

Using Fitwell and WELL Building for IAQ

How WELL Building Standards and Fitwel Ensure Indoor Air Quality

Alarming statistics has shown that polluted air is the leading environmental cause of premature mortality in the United States of America today. It...

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