Introduction IPMVP stands for the International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol. Initially developed and spearheaded by the United...
The past few years has seen an upward trend in the number of lawsuits due to poor indoor air quality (IAQ). These cases can prove to be very...
Why is a healthy building important? A healthy building is one that ensures that the indoor environment and air quality are maintained to create a...
The convergence of IPMVP and IoT provides huge energy saving prospects for commercial buildings. But before we dive in to those prospects, let’s...
According a study conducted by US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), there is a huge risk associated with indoor air quality(IAQ) and our...
Prior to continuous commissioning, also known as Automated Continuous Commissioning, commercial buildings after construction implemented a onetime...
Alarming statistics has shown that polluted air is the leading environmental cause of premature mortality in the United States of America today. It...
What is continuous commissioning? The term continuous commissioning was coined by engineers at Energy Systems Lab in Texas A&M University to describe...
Importance of IAQ Today, there is an increased awareness of the co-relation between IAQ and health. Multiple scientific studies have published...
Indoor air quality is not as simple as maintaining a HVAC system or fixing a leaking duct. It is constantly changing and is affected by a complex set...